Channel: Sundeep Sharma
Category: Comedy
Tags: hindi comedystand up comedy in indiahindi comedianmumbai railwayssundeep sharmaindian stand-up comedianhindi stand up comedycanvas laugh club comedystand upsea facing apartmentcanvas laugh clubstand-up comedystand up comedy in hindifunny stand upfunny standupsfunny videosindian stand up comedyindian standup comedystand up comedyghar ki talashbest stand up comedysandeep sharmagaaon ki trainhindi comedy videosindian comedy
Description: For Live shows Contact at For Live show tickets of my current tour visit my website Credits: Director: Karan Asnani Location: Canvas Laugh Club Mumbai D.O.P: Kedar Avasarikar Camera work : Kedar Avasarikar, Karan Asnani, Satish Ghodke Editing : Karan Asnani Live Sound recording : Muneet Sharma Sound mixing and mastering by Raghavendra Bhattacharya Special Thanks for inputs: Dr. Ishmeet Nagpal Written and performed by Sundeep Sharma Follow Sundeep Sharma on: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: